Jupiter close to its opposition, decent quality considering bad seeing and some condensation on my front lens.

Jupiter, 2024-12-20

Since the weather is still not cooperating, I had another shot at reprocessing my IC 1395 image.

This new 2024 version, aside from using new modern tools such as BlurXterminator and NoiseXterminator, makes use of a different technique illustrated by Adam Block. The image was first rendered with an HOO palette, then SII data was added back with a yellow tint.

I really like this new output, the colours are quite rich and well balanced, especially compared to the older HOO and SHO versions.

IC 1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula

Yet another image found in my archives.

Rosette nebula in both HOO and SHO, Feb 2022.

Rosette nebula (SHO Version)
Rosette nebula (SHO Version)

While backing up some data I found a few images in my archive that needed processing. Not the best shots, but I managed to get something out of it. This is from Dec 2022, 7 hours total exposure in narrowband (SHO + a colourised HSO to emulate natural colours).

Horsehead Nebula
Horsehead Nebula

A first glimpse of comet C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS) from Box Hill.

Not terrible, considering I forgot my tripod home 🤦

Comet C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan–ATLAS from Box Hill

Stacked 4 shots of 1/10th of seconds each, handheld

After missing it the first time, the Aurora came back, visible even here in southern England.

I managed to grab an almost night long timelapse, with a few selected highlights.

Aurora Borealis in Surrey
Aurora Borealis in Surrey

Planetary season is starting again, and I got a new ASI678MC for the occasion.

Bit of a rushed shot, but quite happy about the results, given the planet wasn't too high yet, and seeing was terrible (as usual)

I also did a bit of Saturn during the same night, but it wasn't worth publishing.

Jupiter, first of 2024
Telescope Celestron C11 XLT
Camera ZWO ASI678MC
Mount iOptron CEM40
Software FireCapture, AutoStakkert, Siril, PixInsight

The Sun in H-Alpha

Sun Ha, 2022-11-18
Telescope TS Optics Photoline 60mm F/5.5
Camera ZWO ASI1600MM
Mount SkyWatcher Star Adventurer
Filters Daystar Quark Chromosphere
Software FireCapture, AutoStakkert, PixInsight

First light for my new C11.

Really bad seeing, and still a lot to optimize and learn about my new setup, but it's already quite promising.

Jupiter, 2022-11-04
Moon, Plato and Alpes
Moon, Plato
Moon, Sinus Iridum

Weather was mostly cloudy or veiled, but I managed to get a few clean frames between the clouds

Partial Solar Eclipse
Partial Solar Eclipse