IC 1396 in narrowband from London.
Shot over three nights in August, September and October, with almost 19 hours of acquisition.
First light for both my new ASI2600MM and Chroma narrowband filters.
Postprocessing using three different palettes: SHO (classic "Hubble palette", with more contrast), HOO (using only oxygen and hydrogen filters, more realistic colours), and HOS (middleground between the two).
IC 1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1396 in narrowband from London. Shot over three nights in August, September and October, with almost 19 hours of acquisition. First light for both my new ASI2600MM and Chroma narrowband filters. Postprocessing using three different palettes: SHO (classic "Hubble palette", with more contrast), HOO (using only oxygen and hydrogen filters, more realistic colours), and HOS (middleground between the two).
IC 1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1396 in narrowband from London. Shot over three nights in August, September and October, with almost 19 hours of acquisition. First light for both my new ASI2600MM and Chroma narrowband filters. Postprocessing using three different palettes: SHO (classic "Hubble palette", with more contrast), HOO (using only oxygen and hydrogen filters, more realistic colours), and HOS (middleground between the two).
IC 1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1396 - Elephant Trunk Nebula
IC 1396 in narrowband from London. Shot over three nights in August, September and October, with almost 19 hours of acquisition. First light for both my new ASI2600MM and Chroma narrowband filters. Postprocessing using three different palettes: SHO (classic "Hubble palette", with more contrast), HOO (using only oxygen and hydrogen filters, more realistic colours), and HOS (middleground between the two).
SkyWatcher Esprit 100ED Pro
iOptron CEM40
Chroma Narroband Filters (Ha, OIII, SII) 5nm, ZWO EFW
Exposure Time
Ha: 60x300s, OIII: 70x300s, SII: 97x300s, 18h 55m total
Ekos, PixInsight, WinJUPOS