Given the unusual stride of sunny days and clear nights, and the lockdown in force, forcing me to stay indoors instead of searching for dark places, but also offering more time for imaging at the same time, I decided to take a few steps in doing more "garden astrophotography".
This is my first experiment with some new equipment: an Optolong L-Enhance narrowband filter, and a iOptron CEM40. The first allows me to image many targets even from heavily light polluted skies (here in London, Bortle 8 or 9), the latter allows for longer exposures, a necessity using narrowband.
The Optolong L-Enhance is a narrowband light pollution filter, ideal for colour camera (in my case, an ASI094MC Pro). This allows to filter for only the specific wavelenghts emitted by emission nebulae, filtering out everything else.
At the moment I'm just familiarising with the new mount and the autoguiding process, so I still used a small telescope (William Optics Redcat51), but I also bought an Esprit 100 and a full set of narrowband filters (Halpha, OIII and SII) to use in combination with my ASI183MM Pro mono camera.